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Michael Chau

Michael Chau is a rising senior at Yale, majoring in Statistics and Economics.

As a JURIST Digital Scholar, Michael will use machine learning (word embeddings and clustering) to generate news timelines from a search term. This model will take a broad subject (Ex. FCC) and break it down into several subcategories (Ex. Robocalls, Net Neutrality, etc.) to generate timelines using JURIST articles about these subcategories. Readers will then be able to interact with and adjust these timelines to suit their needs. Anyone who wishes to explore more can simply click on an event in the timeline and be taken directly to the JURIST article. The goal of this project is to facilitate the reader’s understanding of various news and legal topics through a visual and clean representation. Too often, anyone who wants to understand the development of a particular topic has to go through multiple news articles to connect the dots. This project aims to streamline this process for readers.

Michael grew up in Laredo, Texas, located just a few minutes away from the Mexican border. In his free time, he enjoys hanging out with friends, watching basketball, reading biographies, and eating dried mangos! He is so excited to be part of the JURIST Digital Scholars Program and can’t wait to meet everyone else.

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