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Meet the JURIST Digital Scholars (Cohort of 2020)

Agasha Ratam

Yale University Class of 2021

Measuring how readability and related factors affect reader engagement with news articles

Alissa Ji

Yale University Class of 2020

Gauging trends in reporting and reader engagement with news articles related to the US Supreme Court

Catherine Chang

Yale Class of 2020

Understanding the attributes that make certain news articles more widely read than others

Imad Rizvi

Yale University Class of 2022

Measuring how language and rhetoric used in news articles vary by countries and regions

Michael Chau

Yale University Class of 2021

Using machine learning to generate news timelines from user-defined search terms

Agnes Poplawski

Stony Brook University Class of 2020

Researching the evolution of sex and sexual orientation as a protected class in the US

Arka Gupta

Harvard Law School Class of 2023

Analyzing the trends and sentiments regarding medical marijuana legislations

Connor Haaland

Harvard Law School Class of 2023

Comparing data governance paradigms across countries, with special focus on China, the US, and Europe

Jacob Silverman

Harvard Law School Class of 2023

Understanding the trends and rhetoric reflected in news articles related to gun control

Philos Kim

Yale University Class of 2023

Examining, interpreting, and visualizing the extent of algorithmic bias in deep learning models

Alex Chen

Yale University Class of 2023

Simulating the effect of policing reforms through Agent-based Models (ABMs)

Brent Mobbs

Harvard Law School Class of 2023

Researching how solar technology can be further incentivized for individuals, businesses, and utility companies

Everest Fang

Harvard Law School Class of 2025

Studying the evolution of antitrust issues and how public attention has developed

Kaitlyn Sandor

Yale University Class of 2023

Mapping the relationship between key historic events and related political actions they triggered

Samantha Thorne

Harvard Law School Class of 2023

Gauging trends in reporting and reader engagement with news articles related to the US Supreme Court

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